About Us

About Aamarsahitya

Aamarsahitya is a platform that is built to promote the literature of western Odisha. Aamarsahitya believes that the literature work of western Odisha has rich content and is huge in number but it is not well explored and in the public domain. Hence to have all existing literature data in one place and to give a space to new talent is the sole aim of the platform.

The name “Aamarsahitya” derives from the same language which means “Our own literature” inspired by love of our mother tongue sambalpuri/koshali.

Our mission is to encourage people to read the authentic and rich poems, prose, play, and story written by many legendary writers and at the same time to promote many hidden talents of our area.
We believe the upcoming generation must know about the importance and worth of the literature. Aamar Sahitya believes we have to make all the literature work accessible to all so that the richness of literature will be introduced and spread to the world.

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